A professional training for Nutritionists….
♦Course Outline:
The Certificate course on Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics course provides a strong grounding in Clinical nutrition and the skills needed to advise or counsel people in this area. It is ideal for those who want to enter into a career as a Clinical Dietitian / Nutritionist in a hospital .
Once you complete the course you will be able to work as a Clinical Nutritionist/ Dietitian, Set up your own Nutritional consultancy service or work for a health-related business. You can also be your own boss and start a nutritional counselling and consultation center for clients and make your passion your career.
The course covers the below topics:
1) Introduction to Therapeutic Nutrition
2) Overview of Nutrition and clinical assessment
3) Therapeutic Management of Diabetes
4) Diet for Gastrointestinal tract (GI)
5) Child nutrition
6) Diet for pregnancy & Lactating mother
7) Food serving & Measurement
8.)Pathology in practice
9) Types of diet & IPD management
10) Diet for thyroid Diseases & PCOS
11) Therapeutic Management of Hematological Disorder
12) Diet for Heart Disease, Hyperlipidemia, Artheriolsclerosis & Hypertension
13) Renal Diet
14)Oncology Diet
15) Arthritis
16) Strategic Diet planning for a medical condition etc.
♦ Eligibility:
BSc, MS Student of Food and nutrition / Applied nutrition / Nutritionists / Dietitians.
♦ Course Duration:02 months 06 sessions
32+ Hours of online classes with recorded video review option.
After completion of all classes participants should undergo 01 exam and 01 case study presentation to complete the course successfully. You can opt out of the exam and receive a Certificate of Participation from BADN.
☎Further query contact: +880 1672-885501, +880 1304445668
Email: badntrust@gmail.com
Course Summary:
· Introduction to Nutrition
This course is a preface to food and nutrition and the role of dietitians in promoting a healthy lifestyle. The students are oriented towards the basic principles of essential nutrients including their sources, digestion, absorption, functions, and their requirements. Issues of food safety as part of nutritional concern will also be exposed.
· Macro and Micro Nutrients
A study of energy needs components, metabolism, general chemical characteristics and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and minerals as well as other emerging nutritional factors related to human health and diseases.
· Principles of Food Science
This course deals with current issues associated with food constituents, structure-function relationships of water, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals in food systems. The study of the various food groups with respect to their classification, quality, physical and chemical characteristics.
· Nutrition Assessment
This course provides an introduction for the nutritional assessment as part of nutrition care process. It orients the students to the basic aspects of nutritional assessment systems. It emphasizes on the theoretical knowledge and practical skills regarding different aspects of nutritional assessment: anthropocentric, laboratory, clinical, dietary assessments and includes an evaluation of their strengths and limitations. The laboratory sessions utilize active application of tools and techniques used for assessment of nutritional status.
· Pediatric Nutrition
The course focuses on the interrelationships of growth and development of the infant/child with nutritional status in health and disease. Nutrition for health promotion; effects of malnutrition, nutrient needs, feeding strategies, disease and demographics on nutritional status and pathophysiology of growth and development along with their effect on organ systems are included.
· Medical Nutrition Therapy
This course orients the students to the Nutrition Care process in the clinical setting. It focuses on the study of the advanced medical nutrition therapy for specific disease conditions such as digestive disorders, liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity, oral health and metabolic disorders. This course also covers the advanced principles of medical nutrition therapy of certain disease states as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic stress, renal disease and more complicated medical conditions including, cancer, HIV infection, AIDS, specific disease conditions such as stress and trauma.
· Diet Planning and Disease
This course provides advanced study of evidence-based nutrition principles and clinical recommendations for the prevention and treatment of digestive disorders, diabetes mellitus, obesity, oral health and metabolic disorders. It develops the skills of the students of diet planning in health and disease to practice in clinical settings. This course also focuses on application of evidenced-based nutrition care process in management of coronary heart diseases, renal diseases, cancer, HIV and other critical conditions with special emphasis of individualized nutrition support. The advanced course is designed to equip students with professional skills in diet planning for clinical settings.
· Food Service Management
The course illustrates the functions of food service operations such as menu planning, purchasing, storage, production and service. It reviews the principles of cleaning, sanitation, personal hygiene and safety practices in food service facilities like implementation of HACCP program. It provides students with an insight into the design, operation, management and evaluation of institutional and commercial food service facilities. Applications for menu management and recipe writing are discussed. The course also covers the application of dietary advice by focusing on menu management, design and recipes in order to ensure that advice about diet are practical. It allows students to reflect on their nutritional knowledge and eating pattern to manage, plan, and analyze a range of meals suitable for maintenance of good health.
· Nutrition Counseling and Communication skills
This course focuses on the understanding and acquisition of communication skills in interpersonal and counseling contexts. The identification and development of specific communication skills that are essential in clinical practice and professional environment will be emphasized in order to establish a theoretical framework for the application of communication skills in an effective counseling process.
The course is designed to familiarize the participants with modern tools, techniques and methodologies of research to develop professional knowledge and skills especially in the field of Health and Social science research. After completion of the course, participants will be expected to undertake research projects independently and to be able to evaluate the research progress at each stage of the process.
This course is suitable for Graduate/Under graduate students, mid and junior level Researchers, freshers in any organization: government, public, Private and NGOs. Private researchers in educational Institutions like colleges, Universities, and training Institutes, any individuals interested to join as a research associate can also join the course.
*** Research Methodology
Duration: 1 month (2 days/ week)
Total Hour: 24 Hours
*** Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
Duration: 1 month (2 days/ week)
Total hour: 24 Hours
Duration: 1 month (2 days/ week)
Total hour: 24 Hours
*** Research Methodology with the Application of SPSS & Biostatistics
Duration: 2 month (2 days/ week)
Neurodevelopmental disorders often are characterized by intellectual disability, formerly known as mental retardation, and may have associated physical and mental-health disorders. For example, people with Down syndrome may have cardiac anomalies. Many of these lifelong conditions are evident at birth. They have no cure, though interventions increasingly are being developed to address many of their core symptoms. In some parts of the world, having such a condition often means a lifetime of marginalization and alienation from society and exclusion – even from one’s own family.
All health professionals/ Health Graduate/ under Graduate students.
#Course_duration : 1 Month
#Total_Time: 30 Hours
#End of the course we provide 1 day clinical Attachment at Firoza Bari Disable Child Hospital
•Cognitive developmental disabilities (e.g., autism, intellectual disability and learning disabilities etc. )
• Sensory Integration
• Behavior management
• Diet & Nutritional management
Professor Shaheen Ahmed is one of the legendary Nutrition Specialist in Bangladesh. She was Principal at College of Home economics , University of Dhaka. She is an Author of Different…Professor Shaheen Ahmed (Adviser)
Khondker Mahfuzul Haque was line director and chief at bureau of Health Education & Program Manager at Directorate General of Family Planning. He also worked as Ex-DNC,Health CD & National…Khondker Mahfuzul Haque (Adviser)
Syed Mohammed Zakaria Faruq was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He qualified in Bachelor of Physical Therapy (BPT) under Faculty of Medicine, University of Dhaka in 2006 with excellent marks. In…Dr. Syed Mohammed Zakaria Faruq (Chairperson)
Mrs. Sazeda Kashem Jyoti is a Professional Nutritionist & Clinical Dietitian working in the field of Nutrition & Dietetics. She has a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Food and…Mrs. Sazeda Kashem Jyoti (Executive Director)
Md Monoarul Haque was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He qualified in Bachelor of Physiotherapy from National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopedic Rehabilitation under Faculty of Medicine, University of Dhaka in…Dr Md Monoarul Haque (Chairman, Board of Research – BADN )
She graduated from KU Leuven, Belgium with a master degree in Food Science, technology and nutrition which is an Erasmus Mundus programme. To pursue this degree she were to attend…Jui Yeasmin (Consultant,Nutritional Genomics-BADN)
Monirul Haqe was born in Kishoreganj, Bangladesh. He qualified in Bachelor of Physiotherapy from National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopedic Rehabilitation under Faculty of Medicine, University of Dhaka in 2002…Dr Monirul Haqe (Member)
Monirul Haqe was born in Kishoreganj, Bangladesh. He qualified in Bachelor of Physiotherapy from National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopedic Rehabilitation under Faculty of Medicine, University of Dhaka in 2002…Dr Monirul Haqe (Trustee)