Welcome to the website of Bangladesh Dietetics & Nutrition Trust (BADN) it is a non-profit, non-political, Voluntary NGO working in the field of Nutrition. BADN started its mission in 2012 with the aims to improve the health status through Nutritional education, Research and Promotion. Initially, BADN focused at awareness-raising, capacity building for the professionals and other individuals through Bangladesh Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition which is an organ of BADN Trust.
We also foster Multidisciplinary group formation to eradicate misconception of dietary habits. Presently, BADN rendering Multidimensional services for Bangladeshi population to reduce Malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies, Hygiene & Sanitation.
We also focused on Women, Child & Geriatric Nutrition which is overlooked always. Our involvement in NCD is also well appreciated. I hope this website would be helpful for you to know about BADN. We convey thanks and good wishes to all those who are interested in using nutrition as a key to reach the Success towards MDGs & SDGs.
Our Mission & Vision:
- To improve the nutritional status of women of reproductive age (15-49 years)
- To improve the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age
- To reduce the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in the population
- To prevent deterioration of nutritional status and save lives of vulnerable groups in emergencies
- To improve access to quality curative nutrition services
- To improve prevention, management and control of diet related NCDs
- To improve nutrition in schools, public and private institutions
- To improve nutrition knowledge attitudes and practices among the population
- To strengthen the nutrition surveillance, monitoring and evaluation systems
- To enhance evidence-based decision-making through research
- To strengthen coordination and partnerships among the key nutrition actors and mobilize essential resources.
- To improve the professional skills of the professionals working in the field & specially Nutritionist.